Lutra Games - Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy governs the collection, use, and protection of personal information regarding the use of the medal game for smartphones (hereinafter referred to as "the App") provided by Lutra Games (privately developed). If you have any questions regarding the handling of your personal information, please contact us.

1. information to be collected

We may collect the following types of information in order to provide and improve this Application

1.1 User-provided information

We collect information that users voluntarily provide when using this Application. This includes user name, email address, etc. This information is used to create accounts, contact you, and use other features within the App.

1.2 Automatically Collected Information

The App also uses information that is automatically collected when users use the App. This includes device type, operating system version, app usage, and error logs. This information is used to improve app performance and troubleshoot problems.

2. use of information

Information collected may be used for the following purposes

2.1 Providing and improving the app

The information collected will be used to provide the app, improve its functionality, and develop new features. The information is also used to improve the app based on user feedback and requests.

2.2 User Support

Information collected may be used for user support. The collected information may be referred to in order to respond to user inquiries and requests.

2.3 Security

Information collected is used to protect the security of the application and users. We analyze the information and take necessary measures to detect, prevent, and address unauthorized access and use.

3. information sharing

We do not share users' personal information with third parties. However, we may share information in the following cases as exceptions.

3.1 When there is consent

We may share information with third parties if the user expressly consents to such sharing. The user will be provided with a clear explanation of the scope and purpose of the information to be shared.

3.2 When there is a legal requirement or legitimate reason

We may share information for legitimate reasons, such as when we need to comply with a legal request or when we reasonably believe that it violates the terms of use of the application.

4. data storage and security

We store users' personal information appropriately and take security measures. We implement measures such as restricting access to personal information, encrypting data, and verifying security to prevent information leaks and unauthorized access.

5. use of cookies

This application uses Google AdMob to deliver advertisements. Cookies may be used to provide certain functions and to analyze usage. cookies are anonymous and do not contain information that identifies individual users.

6. Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time as necessary. We may notify users of any significant changes.

7. Inquiries

For inquiries regarding the handling of personal information in this application, please contact us at the following address

Translated with (free version)



このプライバシーポリシーは、Lutra Games (個人開発)が提供するスマートフォン向けメダルゲーム(以下、「本アプリ」と呼びます)の利用に関する個人情報の収集、使用、保護について規定します。個人情報の取り扱いに関してご不明な点がある場合は、お問い合わせ先までご連絡ください。

1. 収集する情報


1.1 ユーザー提供情報


1.2 自動収集情報


2. 情報の使用


2.1 アプリの提供と改善


2.2 ユーザーサポート


2.3 セキュリティ


3. 情報の共有


3.1 同意がある場合


3.2 法的要求や合法的な理由がある場合


4. データの保管とセキュリティ


5. Cookieの使用

本アプリでは、広告配信のためにGoogle AdMobを使用しております。一部の機能の提供や利用状況の分析のために、Cookieを使用する場合があります。Cookieは匿名であり、ユーザーを個別に識別する情報は含まれません。

6. プライバシーポリシーの変更


